Monday, December 5, 2011

Digital Reflection Project

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. A couple of things I ran out of time before I got a chance to mention...the site I used for the cookbook was blogger with a dynamic view. The device I used for the recording of my digital reflection project was Jing (a new obsession of mine!) Thanks for listening :)


  1. Christina I really liked seeing all your assignments after you spoke about them in class each week during the semester. I think that ESL students are able to learn the english language much more efficiently than just completing worksheets. I could definitely see myself incorporating this type of technology into my classroom one day.
    Keep up the great work and keep in touch!

  2. Hi Christina! I have yet to check out your Creative Cookbook and I really like the layout of your website. It kind of reminds me of how Symbaloo is set up in the whole "tile" format. Thanks so much for sharing what you are actually doing in the classroom and like Melissa mentioned, this is a great example to incorporate technology in our future classrooms!!

  3. This is really neat. I am glad this class challenged you to follow a desire that you have had. And like previously mentioned, its so cool to see that you are using what we have learned and making the application in the classroom and catering it to what your students need. Keep up the wonderful work.

  4. I really enjoyed watching your video. I love your cookbook, I think I may borrow some of your writing ideas for the classes I work in. They are great ideas. Keep up the good work, I'm going to keep following your cookbook to see what else you add!

  5. Hi Christina!
    I loved your presentation with a specific tool that you used throughout the semester, it was really helpful to see how creating a website can be very useful to us as teachers. I also like your writing ideas and that you are sharing your lesson plans with everyone. Maybe one day when I'm in the classroom I can use some of your ideas!
